Monday, October 31, 2005

Things that are cool

  • My Open Bar-the alcoholic Daily Candy. Except, you know, funny and useful.
  • Friday 8:58am: "What are we doing tonight?" "No plans." "Oh, well, I guess we can have a chill night at home so we're productive on Saturday" Cut to...
  • Friday 8:58pm: Sitting around a bar table at the favorite spot with future bridesmaid in for the night from Minneapolis and brother-from-another-mother who lives out in Bay Ridge and can never be tracked down. These things do not happen in Windham, CT. (And in case you were wondering, we were so not productive on Saturday. Unless reading parts 10-35 of a Veronica Mars fanfic, eating nachos for lunch and watching an assload of college football can be considered productive.)
  • Getting into private events/screenings/parties via friends. Especially ones featuring potty-mouthed comediennes.
  • Sweaters and boots. Hurrah for fall. Also hot bevvies like pumpkin spice and soy chai lattes.

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